October 2021



Muraho friends and family! Last time we spoke, Rwanda was going back into a strict lockdown, starting in Kigali and then ultimately spreading throughout the country. By God’s grace, Rwanda was able to open back up in August with COVID-19 cases dropping back down to manageable levels. At the end of September, Rwanda holds a 7-day average of only 191 cases, and for a country with approximately 13 million people in an area the size of Vermont, that’s wonderful news.

We are so excited to share that all our kids, nursery to secondary, will be returning to a new school year in mid-October! Additionally, over the next several months we are praying that God will provide us 4 more sponsors for the current kids in our program whose sponsors had to drop off. Then, as soon as we’re able to secure sponsors for those kiddos, we have 13 more children that have been identified in 3 different sectors to be brought into the program. Additionally, some more good news is that, with God’s grace, we are planning to take new pics of the kids this quarter and have you updated photos before the new year! Of course that all depends on travel restrictions. We haven’t been able to do this since 2019, so we are excited to show you how much they’ve grown!

Orphan Sunday is coming up on November 7. If you are unfamiliar, Orphan Sunday is an internationally recognized day set aside for Christians to stand for the orphan and vulnerable. Starting at a church in Zambia, it now has participation in over 120 countries. For Orphan Sunday, Best Family is looking to achieve two goals to serve the orphaned and vulnerable in our program. First, we are looking to find partner organizations to come alongside us in meeting needs for children above and beyond the regular sponsorship support, such as housing needs and supplies. Second, we are looking to find sponsors for the waiting children in our program. Learn more about Orphan Sunday and how you can get involved this year in looking after orphans and widows in their distress.

Keep reading below for number highlights, uplifting stories, and more.

January Writing Prompt

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go and why?


Some GOod News

In Gikondo, a 5th grader in our program was struggling with life at home. Her single mom had a hard time finding a permanent job, and had to take small temporary jobs where she could. We encouraged them to apply for a business loan, and she now owns her own business selling vegetables at the local market. Through this business, all daily needs are now being met and there is a confidence and certainty in a better future for their family. Business loans not only give caregivers more income, but it opens up the door for dignity to be restored, value to be recognized, stronger families to be built, and improved quality of life.

By the Numbers

Here are some of the latest figures in and about our ministry.

Kids to Sponsor




Fully Paid Loans


YTD Kid's Letters


YTD Sponsor letters


Kids in Program


Looking Forward

As we approach the end of 2021, we can’t help but be excited and eager to break into the final months of the year. Since the pandemic started, our kids have been absolute champs with maintaining their at-home school work, sometimes referred to as “revisions” in their letters to you. Beyond that, consistent school schedules have been absent from our nursery up to our secondary students. It has been a challenge for not only our students but our leadership as well. As always, their dedication to overcoming these obstacles speaks to the resonating belief that we are not only serving the kids and caregivers, but serving the LORD in all that we do. We look forward to what God has in store.


Sponsors Needed

We’re looking for new sponsors. Would you be willing to dedicate $35 to change a life?

Best Family

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